Topic of the Week – Volume01 Issue22

Topic of the Week - Volume 01 Issue22
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In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

The Approach of Islamic Values in Strengthening Family Foundations (Part One)

Seyed Hashem Moosavi

Islamic values refer to a set of ethical, behavioural, and doctrinal principles derived from the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the guidance of the Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them). These values play a crucial and strategic role in all aspects of human life, both individual and societal.

In Islamic society, the family is the fundamental social unit, playing a key role in the structure and stability of the community. The family is profoundly influenced by the prevailing values within that society. Therefore, exploring the impact of Islamic values on preserving and strengthening family foundations and addressing the question, “Do Islamic culture and teachings provide principles and values for the stability and endurance of the family?” becomes a necessity.

This brief study aims to highlight some Islamic values and analyse their approach to preserving family foundations using Qur’anic verses, Islamic traditions, and practical examples.

Faith and Monotheism

Faith in Allah and monotheism form the foundation of all Islamic values, serving as the guiding principles for human actions and behaviour. Faith not only directs individuals toward the right path but also plays a decisive role in the moral and social upbringing of individuals.

One of the Qur’anic verses that clearly emphasizes the importance of faith is verse 257 of Surah Al-Baqarah:

اللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ

“Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light…”

Another verse, also from Surah Al-Baqarah (25), highlights the reward of faith and righteous deeds for the believers:

 وَبَشِّرِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ

“Give good news to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow…”

These verses demonstrate that faith, combined with righteous action, leads to both worldly and eternal success. Faith in Allah fosters inner peace, mutual trust, and commitment—qualities essential for building and maintaining strong and enduring relationships.

Ways Faith and Monotheism Strengthen Families

  1. Creating Shared Values Among Family Members

Faith in Allah unites family members around shared values such as love, patience, and mutual respect. These values serve as a guiding light, helping families navigate life’s challenges with harmony and stability. The Qur’an highlights love and compassion as the foundations of marital life:

وَجَعَلَ بَیْنَکُمْ مَوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً

“And He placed between you affection and mercy…” (Surah Ar-Rum: 21).

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

خَيرُكُم خَيرُكُم لِأَهلِهِ وَأَنَا خَيرُكُم لِأَهلي

 “The best among you is the one who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family.[1]”

This hadith underscores that kindness and good behavior toward one’s family are measures of faith. Forgiveness and forbearance in the face of each other’s mistakes are also essential Islamic recommendations that strengthen family bonds.

Patience, as another shared value, helps family members endure difficulties, resolve conflicts with calmness and wisdom, and prevent the breakdown of relationships. Allah states in the Qur’an:

 إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ

“Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

This belief helps families remain steadfast in the face of hardships and maintain hope in divine support and mercy.

  1. Fostering a Sense of Responsibility Toward Allah

Islam assigns specific rights and responsibilities to each family member, urging them to ensure the family’s stability through mutual understanding and cooperation.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

 ألا كُلُّكُم راعٍ و كُلُّكُم مَسؤولٌ عَن رَعِيَّتِه ؛…. ، وَالرَّجُلُ راعٍ عَلى أَهلِ بَيتِهِ و هُوَ مَسؤولٌ عَنهُم ، وَ المرأةُ راعِيةٌ عَلى بَيتِ بَعلِها و وُلدِهِ و هِيَ مَسؤولَةٌ[2]   

“Know that all of you are responsible, and all of you will be questioned regarding those under your care… A man is the guardian of his family and will be questioned about them, and a woman is the guardian of her husband’s household and children and will be questioned about them.”

This hadith emphasizes mutual responsibility within the family. The husband, as the head of the family, is tasked with providing for the material and spiritual needs of the family, while the wife manages the household and nurtures the next generation.

Faith in Allah enhances a sense of accountability among family members. This responsibility extends toward Allah, oneself, and others. A believer who understands their accountability to Allah avoids injustice, especially toward family members. Parents strive to raise their children righteously, and children respect and honor their parents. Such mutual understanding and cooperation are evident in the lives of Islamic role models like Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her) and Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

  1. Encouraging Dispute Resolution Based on Divine Teachings

Faith in Allah encourages family members to resolve conflicts peacefully rather than resorting to anger or separation. Values such as forgiveness, which are central to Islam and emphasized in the Qur’an and Sunnah, play a vital role in resolving disputes and fostering tranquillity within the family.

The Qur’an advises believers:

 فَاصْفَحِ الصَّفْحَ الْجَمِيلَ[3]

“So, overlook [their faults] with gracious forgiveness in the face of adversities caused by others.”

This value helps believers let go of grudges and animosity, paving the way for a serene and harmonious family life.

  1. Establishing Purpose and Meaning in Family Life

Having a shared purpose and meaning in life unites family members and motivates them to collaborate, strive, and overcome challenges. This purpose may include raising righteous children, serving society, or creating a safe and nurturing environment. For instance, a family committed to raising ethical and successful children will endure financial or emotional hardships with greater resilience to protect their children from negative influences. This shared goal strengthens the bond between family members. Faith in Allah gives family life purpose and meaning. Families centred on faith strive for divine satisfaction and spiritual tranquillity.


Islamic values, rooted in faith, monotheism, and ethics, play a central role in strengthening family foundations. By fostering shared values, enhancing accountability, encouraging conflict resolution through forgiveness, and promoting common goals, these principles create an atmosphere of love, harmony, and stability within families. Such an approach transforms the family into a strong and effective institution within society.

[1] . Sunan Tirmizi, Hadith 3895.

[2]  .Sahih Muslim, V 3,P 1459, Hadith 20

[3] . Sura Hajr, Verse 85.

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