Parenting in the Age of Facebook

Parenting in the Age of Facebook
Last Updated: October 29, 2024By Categories: Book Of The Week0 Comments on Parenting in the Age of Facebook2.6 min readViews: 374

Parenting in the Age of Facebook

bibliographic information:

Title:                          Parenting in the Age of Facebook

Language:                English

Author:                     Marzia Hassan

Publisher:                Rupa Publications

Publication Date: 01st March 2016

ISBN:                         8129137739, 9788129137739

Length:                     194 pages

Dimensions:                       5.1 x 0.44 x 7.8 inches

Synopsis of the Book:

Parenting in the Age of Facebook acknowledges the all-pervasive influence of the World Wide Web on the lives of children, and the quandaries parents find themselves in as a result. How much ‘net-time’ is enough? Are children safe on social media pages? What are the online dangers kids could encounter and how do parents counter these threats? By encouraging practical, proactive strategies—those that model the mindful use of technology, help nurture connections, and support children through healthy Internet-browsing techniques—this book encourages positive parenting in the age of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

About the Author:

The Shia author, Marzia Hassan (LLB, MSW, RSW) runs Family Connections International, a psychotherapy practice based in Toronto; facilitates parenting, self-development, and spiritual learning groups; and, in recent years, has conducted online parenting workshops.

Marzia is a psychotherapist, marriage counsellor, parent coach and author. She trains and coaches couples and parents who yearn to find peace and happiness in their lives and are looking for fulfilment and connection in their relationships. She gives them simple and effective tools to cultivate more love and happiness and decrease negativity in their lives and in their relationships.

Marzia is influenced by spirituality, positive psychology, and neuroscience. She has trained with the top experts in her field, has over a decade of clinical experience, and continues to study what works in positive psychology and applying it to help and support her clients and her students.

Content of the Book

Part 1: Facing Reality

  1. Exploring the Digital Landscape
  2. What Are Your Children Doing Online?

Part 2: Assessing the Impact of Technology

  1. Impact on the Brain
  2. Impact on Health and Physical Development
  3. Faking It on Facebook: Impact on Self-image
  4. The Impact on Relationships and Communications
  5. Impact on the Soul

Part 3: Steps to Thriving As A Family In The Digital Age

  1. Danger and Safety in Cyberspace
  2. Step 1: Get Your Own Act Together
  3. Step 2: Build a Relationship with Your Children
  4. Step 3: Get to Know Your Children’s World
  5. Step 4: Set Limits
  6. Step 5: Build a Community of Support

Reader’s Review of the Book

Informative book with real tools to improve our familial relationships by controlling the use of technology before it controls us! I am of the Net-Generation that the book refers to, and do not yet have any children, but I found the book extremely useful in helping me understand my parents better and in encouraging me to be more present in my family’s life. The book collects statistical information, anecdotes, and strategies and lays out concrete ways to work together as family to set rules for technology in the home, without dismissing technology’s valuable aspects. I will definitely be sharing this information with my parents! The world has certainly gained from technology, but all things are best in moderation, and this book reminded me not to lose my relationships, empathy, or myself in the process of becoming more tech-savvy. Highly recommended!

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