Inspirational Tales – Friday Bulletin Issue14

Inspirational Tales – Friday Bulletin Issue14
Last Updated: October 4, 2024By Categories: Inspirational Tales0 Comments on Inspirational Tales – Friday Bulletin Issue142.6 min readViews: 477

Stories of the Mercy of the Prophet, Rahmatan Lil Aalamin

  • Narration from Imam Baqir (as): It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sa) was among a group of his companions when he said, “My presence among you is beneficial to you, as Allah says in the Holy Quran: ‘And Allah will not punish them while you are among them’ (Surah Al-Anfal: 33).” He then continued, “Even my absence from among you is beneficial for you.”

The companions asked, “O Messenger of Allah, we understand how your presence benefits us, but how does your absence benefit us?” The Prophet replied, “My absence is good for you because your deeds are presented to me every Monday and Thursday. If I see a good deed, I praise Allah for it, and if I see a bad deed, I ask Allah to forgive you.”

  • Fatimah (as) and the Day of Judgment: Upon the passing of the Prophet (sa), Fatimah (as) asked him, “Where can I find you on the Day of Judgment?” He replied, “At the seventh bridge of Hell!” This indicates that the Prophet’s mercy is so profound that he will strive to save even the most wretched individuals.
  • The Prophet’s Visit to the Sick: One day, as the Prophet (sa) was walking through a street as usual, he asked about a person who used to throw ashes on him whenever he passed by his house. The companions informed him that the man had not been seen for some days because he was sick. The Prophet, along with a few companions, went to visit the sick man. Embarrassed, the man asked his mother to cover his face. When the Prophet entered, the man said, “O Messenger, let me become a Muslim so that my eyes may be blessed by seeing you.” Touched by the Prophet’s kindness, the Jewish man immediately transformed and embraced Islam.
  • The Prophet’s Kindness to the Weak: The Prophet of Islam (sa) would remember even the weakest among people. There was a black woman in Medina who used to clean the mosque. When she was not seen for a few days, the Prophet asked about her and was told that she had passed away. The Prophet said, “You have saddened me by not informing me of her death.” He then asked to be shown her grave. The Prophet went to her grave, prayed for her, and said, “These graves are engulfed in darkness, but they are illuminated by our prayers and blessings upon them.”
  • An Unforgettable Ten Years of Service: In Medina, people would often bring gifts for the Prophet. Anas ibn Malik’s mother came to the Prophet and said, “I have nothing to offer you except my son, whom I present to you as your servant.” Anas served the Prophet for ten years. After the Prophet’s passing, someone asked Anas, “How did you find the Prophet?” Anas replied, “Shall I be brief or detailed?” They said, “Be brief.” Anas said, “In these ten years, the Prophet’s behaviour was such that I could not tell whether I was his servant, or he was mine!”
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