Hadith Of The Week – Volume01 Issue16

Hadith Of The Week - Volume01 Issue16
Last Updated: October 10, 2024By Categories: Hadith of the week0 Comments on Hadith Of The Week – Volume01 Issue163.7 min readViews: 448

International Day of the Girl has been designated on 11th October. The noble religion of Islam places immense value on girls. In the sayings of the noble Prophet of Islam and the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them), great emphasis is placed on the special status of girls. For instance, the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

نِعمَ الوَلَدُ البَناتُ المُخَدَّراتُ ، مَن كانَت عِندَهُ واحِدَةٌ جَعَلَها اللّه ُ سِترا لَهُ مِن النّارِ .[مكارم الأخلاق : 1/472/1613.]

“The best children are protected daughters. Whoever has one daughter, Allah will make her a shield for him from the fire (of Hell).”

(Makarim al-Akhlaq, vol. 1, p. 472, Hadith 1613)

This hadith carries profound educational messages for various segments of society.

Messages of this hadith for Teenagers and Young People:

Honour Your Sisters and Daughters as Blessings

This advice encourages young people to appreciate and respect their sisters and female family members. Islam teaches that daughters and sisters are sources of honour, blessings, and even spiritual protection. By internalising this view, young men and women are encouraged to uphold the dignity and respect of the girls in their families, counteracting any negative cultural biases.

Challenge Gender Stereotypes

Islam rejects the gender stereotypes, and this advice calls on teenagers to challenge, question, and confront societal norms that marginalise or devalue girls. This could be through education, advocating for gender fairness, or simply treating their female peers and siblings with respect and dignity.

Messages of this hadith for Parents:

Raise Your Daughters with Love and Fairness

Parents are urged to view their daughters as blessings from Allah SWT and to treat them with the same love and opportunities they would afford to sons. This advice highlights the importance of nurturing girls with care, ensuring they feel valued and empowered in the family. Show love, affection, and respect for your daughters in both words and actions, fostering their self-worth and confidence.

Parental Responsibility Beyond Material Provision: Ensuring Spiritual and Religious Guidance

One of the key messages of this hadith for parents is that their role is not limited to providing material support for their daughters. Parents must also be vigilant in protecting their daughters from the dangers of drifting away from their faith. In Western environments, the challenge of raising children is compounded by the influence of friends, social pressures, and social media. Sometimes, parents may feel inclined to loosen their guidance and let their daughters who have not yet reached puberty choose any path they desire. However, parents have a duty to actively nurture their children’s religious upbringing, ensuring they remain grounded in their Islamic values and protected from harmful external influences.

Messages of this hadith for Imams, Mosque Leaders, and Cultural Centre Directors:

Educate the Community on the Status of Girls in Islam

Imams and community leaders have a crucial role in teaching the true Islamic values regarding the status of women and girls. This advice encourages leaders to focus on the positive, spiritual, and social contributions of girls in their sermons, classes, and outreach efforts. Use Friday sermons (khutbahs), study circles, and community events to highlight the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams about the value of daughters. Share stories from Islamic history that honour the contributions of women and girls.

Support Initiatives for Girls’ Growth and Development

As community leaders, Imams and directors can implement programs that empower girls. Whether through scholarships, workshops, or mentorship programs, they can help foster a supportive environment for the spiritual and intellectual growth of girls. Start or support initiatives that focus on girls’ education, personal development, and community leadership. Encourage families to send their daughters to educational programs and facilitate activities that build confidence and leadership skills in young girls.

Messages of this hadith for Islamic Communities:

Preserving Islamic Values for Muslim Girls in the Face of External Pressures

Islamic communities must remain vigilant against the pressures from Western societies that seek to impose their values on Muslim girls, potentially eroding their Islamic traditions. Muslim girls should be taught to value and uphold their religious and cultural heritage, while communities should actively engage in promoting and strengthening these values among teenagers and young people. By fostering a deep sense of pride and identity in Islamic teachings, communities can ensure the preservation of their faith and traditions amidst external influences.

Promote Different Opportunities for Girls

Islamic communities must ensure that girls are treated with a high-level degree of respect and opportunities. This advice emphasises the need to provide high access to education, spiritual guidance, and community roles for girls, ensuring they can grow and contribute fully to society.

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