Hadith Of The Week – Volume01 Issue15

Hadith Of The Week - Volume01 Issue15
Last Updated: October 8, 2024By Categories: Hadith of the week0 Comments on Hadith Of The Week – Volume01 Issue152.8 min readViews: 488

Hadhrat Abdul Adhim (peace be upon him) narrated from Imam Jawad (peace be upon him), who narrated from his father that Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

عُقوقُ الوالِدَينِ مِنَ الكَبائِرِ ؛ لأَنَّ اللَّهَ تَعالى‌ جَعَلَ العاقَّ عَصِيّاً شَقِيّاً (علل الشرائع: ج ۲، ص ۴۷۹).

“Disobedience to one’s parents is among the major sins because Almighty God has described the disobedient as a wretched sinner.”

(Al-Ilal Al-Shara’i: vol. 2, p. 479).

Educational Messages of the Hadith for Teenagers and Youth:

Preserving Respect and Dignity: Regardless of the circumstances, young people should maintain the respect and dignity of their parents. One of the best ways to show respect is by listening to and obeying their parents’ advice.

Boundary of Obedience: Although children should listen to their parents, there is a clear boundary when it comes to obeying them in matters that go against the commands of God. In such cases, respectful disagreement is necessary without disrespect.

Value of Experience: Parents possess valuable life experience that their children do not. They have gained wisdom through the challenges of life, and as such, their insights should be valued.

Long-term Understanding: Teenagers and young people might not immediately understand their parents’ advice, but with time and experience, they will come to appreciate the wisdom behind their guidance. In order to avoid regret in the future, they need to trust their parents and respect their advice.

Educational Messages of the Hadith for Parents:

Leading by Example: Parents should be role models in obeying and respecting their own parents. This can be demonstrated not just while their parents are alive but also after their passing by visiting their graves, honouring their memories, and fulfilling their wishes.

Setting Priorities: Parents must be cautious about how they raise and guide their children. Their guidance should prioritise God’s satisfaction over personal preferences or societal pressures.

Courage in Parenting: Good parents should not fear their children’s reactions when setting rules or boundaries. Instead, they should focus on the long-term benefit of their children’s spiritual and moral development.

Trust in Wisdom: While children may not immediately grasp the reasons behind their parents’ commands, parents should trust that over time, as their children mature, they will come to understand the reasoning behind their upbringing.

Educational Messages of the Hadith for Religious Leaders and Cultural Centres:

Clarifying the Role of Parents: Religious leaders and educators should emphasise the importance of parents’ roles in the lives of youth, especially in today’s digital age where many young people are influenced by social media and distance themselves from their parents.

Storytelling as a Teaching Tool: Using real-life stories about the consequences of either obeying or disobeying parents is a powerful method of teaching. Stories that highlight these outcomes leave a lasting impact on young minds and help reinforce the value of parental advice.

Educational Messages of the Hadith for the Islamic Community:

Fostering Respect for Elders: Society must not allow the respect for elders to diminish. Public spaces should have provisions that show respect for older individuals, such as designated seating areas and benefits for seniors. However, these symbolic gestures should be accompanied by deeper cultural respect for the wisdom and experience of the elderly.

Maintaining Family Values: The community should work towards ensuring that familial bonds remain strong and that the respect between generations is preserved. This can be encouraged through community programs, education, and social norms that promote the honouring of parents and elders.

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