Hadith Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue08
رُوِيَ أنَّ الحُسَينَ بنَ عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام جاءَهُ رَجُلٌ وقالَ : أنَا رَجُلٌ عاصٍ ولا أصبِرُ عَنِ المَعصِيَةِ ، فَعِظني بِمَوعِظَةٍ .
فَقالَ عليه السلام : اِفعَل خَمسَةَ أشياءَ وأذنِب ما شِئتَ ، فَأَوَّلُ ذلِكَ : لا تَأكُل رِزقَ اللّهِ وأذنِب ما شِئتَ ، وَالثّاني : اُخرُج مِن وِلايَةِ اللّهِ وأذنِب ما شِئتَ ، وَالثّالِثُ : اُطلُب مَوضِعا لا يَراكَ اللّهُ وأذنِب ما شِئتَ ، وَالرّابِعُ : إذا جاءَ مَلَكُ المَوتِ لِيَقبِضَ روحَكَ فَادفَعهُ عَن نَفسِكَ وَأذنِب ما شِئتَ ، وَالخامِسُ : إذا أدخَلَكَ مالِكٌ فِي النّارِ فَلا تَدخُل فِي النّارِ وأذنِب ما شِئتَ .
Translation of the Hadith
It is narrated that a man came to Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) and said: “I am a man prone to sin, and I am not patient in the face of temptation. Advise me.”
Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) responded: “Perform five actions, and then commit any sin you wish. First, do not consume Allah’s sustenance, and then commit any sin you wish. Second, leave Allah’s domain, and then commit any sin you wish. Third, find a place where Allah cannot see you, and then commit any sin you wish. Fourth, when the angel of death comes to seize your soul, repel him, and then commit any sin you wish. Fifth, when the guardian of Hell brings you to Hell, do not enter it, and then commit any sin you wish.”
1. Messages of the Hadith for Adolescents and Youth
Educational Perspective: This hadith serves as a powerful lesson for young people who are navigating the challenges of temptation and peer pressure. It teaches them the importance of recognising the omnipresence of Allah SWT and understanding that their actions are always within His sight. This awareness can act as a deterrent against sinful behaviour and encourage them to seek virtuous paths.
Psychological Perspective: Adolescents often struggle with feelings of invincibility and the illusion that they can escape the consequences of their actions. This hadith challenges that mindset by presenting the inescapable realities of death and divine justice, fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability.
Spiritual Perspective: For youth exploring their spiritual identity, this hadith provides a grounding in the concept of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and the ever-present nature of divine authority. It encourages them to build a relationship with Allah based on awareness and mindfulness of His constant presence.
2. Messages of the Hadith for Adults
Moral and Ethical Perspective: For adults, this hadith reinforces the importance of moral integrity and ethical conduct. It serves as a reminder that every action, regardless of how private or public, is observed by Allah. This can motivate adults to live with integrity, knowing that they are accountable to a higher authority.
Life Perspective: The inevitability of death is a significant theme in this hadith. For adults, this message can be a call to reflect on the temporality of life and the importance of preparing for the hereafter. It encourages a life lived with purpose, prioritising what truly matters.
Emotional Perspective: Many adults grapple with regrets over past sins or misdeeds. This hadith offers a pathway to redemption by highlighting the possibility of change and the power of repentance before it is too late.
3. Messages of the Hadith for Parents
Educational Perspective: Parents can draw from this hadith the importance of teaching their children about the presence and authority of Allah SWT from an early age. It highlights the value of instilling a strong moral compass in children, so they are better equipped to resist temptation and make righteous decisions.
Psychological Perspective: Parents can use the lessons of this hadith to help their children develop a sense of accountability and self-discipline. By understanding the consequences of their actions, children can be guided to make better choices and avoid harmful behaviour. This accountability can be one of the most valuable assets of the youth if they obtain and keep it throughout their lives.
Spiritual and Emotional Perspective: This hadith can be a tool for parents to foster a spiritually rich environment at home for themselves and their family members. It encourages open discussions about faith, ethics, and the reality of death, helping children develop a mature understanding of these concepts.
Role Model Perspective: This hadith encourages parents to be positive role models for their children. By adhering to the teachings of the hadith and refraining from negative behaviours, parents set a strong example for their children, who are likely to observe and emulate their actions.
4. Messages of the Hadith for Policy Makers & Leaders
Sociological Perspective: Leaders and policymakers can use the principles in this hadith to advocate for a society built on people’s inner accountability and moral responsibility. It stresses the importance of creating systems and structures that reflect the values of justice, fairness, and ethical conduct.
Political Perspective: The hadith highlights the significance of leadership that is aware of its ultimate accountability to Allah SWT. This can inspire policies that are just, equitable, and mindful of the needs of the people, recognising that leadership is a responsibility with profound consequences.
Educational Policy Perspective: The message of this hadith can be integrated into educational curricula to promote moral and ethical development among students. Policies that support character education and the teaching of values can contribute to the formation of responsible and conscientious citizens.
The Last Words
The hadith of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) offers timeless wisdom that is relevant across various stages of life and sectors of society. It calls for self-awareness, accountability, and a deep understanding of the divine presence in every aspect of life. Whether for youth struggling with temptation, adults seeking purpose, parents nurturing their children, or leaders shaping society, the lessons from this hadith serve as a guide for living a life of integrity and spiritual awareness.
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