Editorial – volume01 Issue15

Editorial - volume01 Issue15
Last Updated: October 5, 2024By Categories: Editorial0 Comments on Editorial – volume01 Issue153.8 min readViews: 476

In the name of Allah SWT

Hadhrat Abdul Adhim Al-Hasani (pbuh): A Divine Teacher

Teaching holds a significant position in Islam, as demonstrated in the Qur’an’s first revealed verses: “He taught man what he did not know” (Al-Alaq: 5). This highlights teachings as a divine function, central to human growth and enlightenment. However, not all teachers embody a divine mission. For a teacher to fulfil this sacred role, certain qualities are essential. Hadhrat Abdul Adhim Al-Hasani (peace be upon him) exemplified these characteristics, making him a true divine teacher.

  1. Guiding Towards Allah SWT’s Pleasure

A divine teacher must orient their entire life towards the satisfaction of Allah SWT. This means leading others toward monotheism and righteousness. In the Qur’an, Prophet Luqman (pbuh) advises: “Do not associate [anything] with Allah. Indeed, association [with Him] is great injustice” (Luqman: 13). Hadhrat Abdul Adhim Al-Hasani (peace be upon him) devoted his life to promoting belief in the oneness of Allah SWT and the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them).

  1. Sincerity in Purpose

Pure intentions are crucial for a divine teacher. Teaching should be driven by a love for Allah SWT, not for material rewards. As Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “A teacher does not teach for a wage and only accepts a gift if given” (Wasa’il al-Shi’a, vol. 17, p. 156). Hadhrat Abdul Adhim (pbuh) taught with sincerity, seeking only to spread knowledge and spiritual guidance.

  1. Possessing Knowledge and Expertise

To lead effectively, a divine teacher must be knowledgeable. The Qur’an underscores this through the story of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him), who sought wisdom from someone more learned: “They found a servant from among Our servants to whom We had given mercy and taught him knowledge” (Al-Kahf: 65). Hadhrat Abdul Adhim was a repository of the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them), sharing their wisdom with future generations.

  1. Focus on the Hereafter

A divine teacher works with a vision of the Hereafter. Their efforts are not just for worldly benefit but for eternal reward. As the Qur’an says: “Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter, we increase for him in his harvest” (Ash-Shura: 20). Hadhrat Abdul Adhim (peace be upon him) always had the Hereafter in mind, striving to guide others towards lasting spiritual success.

  1. Practising What They Preach

A true teacher must live by the values they teach. The Qur’an cautions against hypocrisy: “Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves?” (Al-Baqarah: 44). Hadhrat Abdul Adhim (pbuh) was a living example of his teachings, embodying the principles of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them)in his own life.

According to historical accounts and narrations, Hadhrat Abdul Adhim Al-Hasani (peace be upon him) possessed all five of these qualities, making him a shining example of a divine teacher. Throughout his blessed life, he played an unparalleled role in spreading the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (pbut) by narrating their hadiths and teachings. His dedication and sincerity made him truly deserving of the title “a divine teacher.”

The 5th of October, celebrated globally as World Teachers’ Day, coincides with the 8th of October, the birth anniversary of Hadhrat Abdul Adhim Al-Hasani (pbuh). This concurrence invites us to reflect on his life and suggest the title of “a divine teacher” for him. This title is not just a tribute to the past but also a call for the future—a reminder that our societies are in dire need of divine teachers. Every community that has achieved true success has been blessed with dedicated, God-centred educators. While many factors contribute to the poverty and decline of a society, one of the root causes is the absence of compassionate, monotheistic teachers who serve as moral compasses, guiding communities towards Allah SWT’s pleasure.

Teaching, however, is not confined to classrooms and universities. Every member of society, consciously or unconsciously, assumes the role of a teacher, influencing others through their beliefs, actions, and words. The problem is that much of this “teaching” does not align with divine values. Often, we propagate ideas and behaviours that do not lead to Allah SWT’s satisfaction. Thus, the message of Hadhrat Abdul Adhim for our modern generation is clear: Become divine teachers for your communities—teachers who (1) make the pleasure of Allah SWT and monotheism the foundation of their efforts, (2) maintain pure intentions, (3) possess knowledge and expertise, (4) act with a focus on the Hereafter, and (5) practise what they preach.

May we strive to be such teachers, leading by example and helping others find their way to Allah SWT’s pleasure.

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