Ayat Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue09

Ayat Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue09
Last Updated: September 28, 2024By Categories: Ayat of the week0 Comments on Ayat Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue092.1 min readViews: 526

وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا (عنکبوت / ۶۹)
“And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways.” (Surah Al-Ankabut, 29:69)

Message of the Verse for Youth:

This verse highlights the importance of striving for Allah’s pleasure in all that you do. As young Muslims, you may face temptations or challenges that seem enjoyable or easy in the moment but conflict with moral and Islamic values. Remember that by striving to do what pleases Allah (SWT), even when it’s difficult, you are promised His guidance and support. That’s a good deal! Your efforts to stay on the right path, resisting harmful temptations, will open doors to a life filled with purpose, contentment, and spiritual growth.

Message of the Verse for Parents:

This verse serves as a reminder that the effort to seek Allah’s guidance is a lifelong journey. As parents, it is your responsibility to encourage your children to strive for what pleases Allah (SWT), teaching them to prioritize His approval over temporary worldly gains. Through your own example and guidance, help your children understand that true success and happiness come from aligning their lives with moral and Islamic values, and that sincere effort in this path brings divine guidance. Another message of this verse for parents is that in everything you do for your children, your intention should be to seek the pleasure of Almighty Allah (SWT). Whether you are working to provide for them, encouraging them towards religious practice, buying things for them, talking to them, or taking them for recreation, in all these situations, do everything for the sake of pleasing Allah (SWT). In doing so, Allah (SWT) will bless your efforts.

Message of the Verse for Mosques and Cultural Centers:

Mosques and Islamic centers play a crucial role in nurturing individuals who strive for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). This verse encourages these institutions to create programs that inspire the community, particularly the youth, to strive for moral and spiritual excellence. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and ethical living, mosques can help individuals stay motivated to seek Allah’s guidance in all aspects of life.

Message of the Verse for the Muslim Community:

This verse encourages the Muslim community to collectively strive for righteousness and uphold the values of justice, compassion, and integrity. By focusing on pleasing Allah (SWT) in all aspects of communal life, the community as a whole can find the divine guidance necessary to overcome challenges and grow spiritually. It reminds us that perseverance in doing good, even in the face of difficulty, is key to receiving Allah’s blessings and guidance.

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