Ayah Of The Week – Volume01 Issue19
Ethical Guidance from the Qur’an: Navigating Social Media Responsibly
وَلَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولَئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْئُولًا (اسراء / ۳۶).
“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart – all those will be called to account.” (Qur’an 17:36)
Messages from the Verse for Youth
1. Be Critical of Information on Social Media
In this age, when social media is a constant presence in your lives, it’s crucial to assume that much of the content you come across is inaccurate unless proven otherwise. Verify any information with solid evidence before accepting it as true. Blindly following or believing in something without clear proof leads to misjudgements, and this verse warns us to refrain from such behaviour.
Lesson: Always question what you see online and only believe content that is backed by facts.
2. Be Responsible for What You Share
Liking, forwarding, or sharing unverified information carries both religious and ethical consequences. Spreading rumours or false information can harm others, and as Muslims, we are accountable for every action. Before you engage with content on social media, ensure that it is truthful.
Lesson: Avoid the rush to share; be responsible for the information you circulate.
Messages from the Verse for Parents
1. Warn Your Children About Being Gullible Online
Teach your children the dangers of believing everything they see on social media. Highlight cases where false information has been widely spread, causing harm. Help them understand that not everything they come across is true and that they must verify information before accepting or sharing it.
Lesson: Equip your children with critical thinking skills to navigate social media responsibly.
2. Set Boundaries for Social Media Use
Establish limits on your children’s social media usage, as these platforms are filled with incomplete, inaccurate, or unethical content. These restrictions should include limits on the age at which they can start using social media, their screen time, the number of platforms they can engage with, and the contacts they are allowed to have. Letting children use social media freely does not reflect modernity but rather a lack of parental responsibility.
Lesson: Controlled access to social media safeguards your children from misinformation and harmful influences.
Messages from the Verse for Imams and Cultural Centres
1. Educate on the Dangers of Social Media Without Media Literacy
Imams and cultural centres should raise awareness of the harmful effects of social media usage without adequate media literacy. Critical thinking is a vital part of media literacy – it means not believing everything one sees. A society that uses social media without this literacy is at risk of misinformation and its consequences.
Lesson: Promote media literacy and critical thinking in your community to protect against the spread of misinformation.
2. Remind People of Their Social Responsibility
Everyone has a personal and social responsibility to combat falsehoods and rumors in the media and on social platforms. Imams and leaders should encourage community members to actively counter misinformation, reminding them that they are accountable for what they see, hear, and believe.
Lesson: Spread the message that every individual is responsible for the content they engage with and share.
Messages from the Verse for Islamic Communities
1. Respect People’s Honour, Not Just Their Lives
In Islam, a person’s honor is even more valuable than their life. Avoid being a part of spreading false or harmful content about others on social media. If you accept or propagate slander about someone, it will inevitably come back to you. Protecting the dignity of others is a central Islamic value.
Lesson: Do not engage in the defamation of others; uphold the dignity and honor of every individual.
2. Establish an Islamic Media Code of Conduct
Islamic communities must establish their own ethical guidelines and social media protocols. Many Western social media norms and values are completely un-Islamic and immoral. In Islam, verifying the authenticity of news and safeguarding people’s dignity are essential principles, which are often ignored on social media platforms.
Lesson: Advocate for an ethical, Islamic approach to media usage, with an emphasis on verifying information and preserving the honor of others.

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