Topic of the Week – Volume01 Issue20

Topic of the Week - Volume01 Issue20
Last Updated: November 5, 2024By Categories: Topic of the Week0 Comments on Topic of the Week – Volume01 Issue207.1 min readViews: 339

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

The Personality and Exemplary Role of Lady Zainab al-Kubra (peace be upon her)

Seyed Hashem Moosavi

This week’s article is dedicated to the blessed birth anniversary of Lady Zainab al-Kubra, the noble daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (peace be upon them). We focus on studying the life and admirable character of this great lady of Islam.

Our understanding of the great figures in Islamic history, including the infallible Imams (peace be upon them), often relates to a brief period of their blessed lives. This is usually due to particular events that allowed their noble personalities to be showcased. For example, much of our knowledge of Imam Ali’s life is based on the last five years of his life, while our knowledge of Imam Hasan relates mainly to the first six months of his imamate, and that of Imam Husayn largely to the last six months of his life. Similarly, the last three years of Imam al-Ridha’s life provide the richest insights into his character and life due to the unique circumstances of that time.

For Lady Zainab al-Kubra, the situation is similar; most of what we know about her remarkable personality is from her time accompanying her noble brother in Karbala and the short period following the tragedy of Ashura. Undoubtedly, if it weren’t for the tragedy of Ashura, many aspects of her character might have remained unknown to us.

Domains of Emulation from the Life of Lady Zainab (peace be upon her)

Without a doubt, Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) is one of the most distinguished figures in Islamic history. With her unique qualities in spirituality, upbringing, patience, resilience, knowledge, and engagement in social and political spheres, she serves as an unparalleled role model for Muslim women.


Lady Zainab grew up in an environment deeply rooted in spirituality and piety, nurtured by her mother, father, and noble brothers. Her spiritual journey reached such heights that it illuminated her life, filled with trials and lessons. The profound respect for her spiritual status is evident in how Imam Husayn (peace be upon him) asked her to remember him in her nightly prayers on the Day of Ashura. History beautifully reveals that his trust in her unwavering faith was not in vain. Despite the unimaginable hardship of Karbala, Lady Zainab is reported to have not neglected her night prayer on the eleventh night of Muharram. Even though she was physically and emotionally drained, she offered her prayers sitting, a testament to her devotion and unbreakable connection with Allah.

The Domain of Upbringing:

The primary aim of Islamic teachings is to elevate humans to their true, lofty status, without distinction between men and women in this spiritual journey. Islam, therefore, presents exemplary figures from both genders as role models for society. Lady Zainab al-Kubra (peace be upon her), as explicitly affirmed in the narrations of the Infallibles (peace be upon them), is one such role model, particularly in the field of human development and upbringing.

Lady Zainab demonstrated the profound impact of proper upbringing by nurturing successful children, such as Muhammad and Aun, who were honoured martyrs in Karbala. Her life illustrates how essential proper nurturing is for achieving spiritual and ethical excellence. Based on this, one can argue that if an Islamic society raises women according to Lady Zainab’s model, it will elevate them to their rightful, lofty status. Such a transformation has the potential to profoundly impact both the world and the course of history.

The Domain of Patience and Resilience:

In the face of the hardships of Karbala and the subsequent trials in Kufa, Sham, and Medina, Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) displayed such patience that it left not only her companions but also her enemies in awe. When confronted with the severed heads of her brothers, nephews, and sons in the court of Ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa, and hearing the mockery of the enemy, she responded with a single sentence that demonstrated the depth of her patience and resilience: “I saw nothing but beauty in this path.”

This profound statement was not only an expression of steadfastness but a powerful challenge to the supposed victory of the enemy, dismantling their sense of triumph through her unbreakable endurance. Her patience serves as an exemplary model for both Muslim men and women, showing them how to face life’s adversities with strength and unwavering commitment to the path of truth.

The Domain of Politics and Society:

In the political and social domain, Lady Zainab’s (peace be upon her) support of Imam Husayn (peace be upon him) is one of her most significant political stances. Her greatness is largely due to her choice to stand with Husayn, guided by her divine duty to follow the path of righteousness. According to the great Marja’ Ayatollah Khamenei, before Imam Husayn’s journey to Karbala, figures such as Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdullah ibn Ja’far, and other prominent personalities of early Islam, known for their scholarship, bravery, and influence, hesitated, uncertain of how to respond to the challenge of opposing Yazid. But Lady Zainab never wavered. She fully understood the need to support her Imam, not out of ignorance of the challenges but with deep awareness of the hardships she would face, including separation from her husband and family.

A large part of her greatness lies in her ability to make decisive and timely choices. When her brother and Imam expressed concern about what would happen after his martyrdom, she responded confidently, “O brother, rest assured; you will find me as you desire.” She comprehended the critical role of her Imam at Karbala and gave her unwavering support, preparing herself for the trials of Ashura and the crushing aftermath. When the world darkened after her Imam’s martyrdom, Lady Zainab became a beacon of light, reaching a station that only the greatest figures in history, like the prophets, have achieved.

The Domain of Knowledge and Jurisprudence:

Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) was renowned by titles such as Alimah Ghayr Mu’allamah (“the learned without a teacher”), Fahimah Ghayr Mufahhamah (“the wise without an instructor”), Aqilat al-Nisa (“the wise lady of women”), and Sayyidat al-‘Aqil (“the leader of the wise women”), all reflecting her immense knowledge and understanding. Imam Zayn al-Abidin (peace be upon him) affirmed that her knowledge was of the same divine nature granted to Hadhrat Khidr (peace be upon him). Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) also described his sister, saying, “My sister, indeed you are from the tree of prophethood and the source of messengership.”

Even the notable Abdullah ibn Abbas, a distinguished early Islamic scholar and narrator, often cited Lady Zainab, referring to her as Aqilatuna (“our wise lady”) when narrating the Sermon of Fadak, which she related to him. Through such acknowledgments, Lady Zainab earned the title Aqilah Bani Hashim (“the wise lady of Banu Hashim”).

These titles and tributes highlight her as one of the clearest embodiments of the Quranic and Prophetic praises for scholars, demonstrating that she was an unparalleled example of profound knowledge and understanding within Islamic tradition.

Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) possessed exceptional skill and knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence and particularly in Quranic interpretation. She was a resource for a large group of women in Medina who sought her guidance in religious matters. Lady Zainab would share her deep understanding not only with women but also, at times, with men. The social climate of that time discouraged women from studying or engaging in activities outside the home. In the male-dominated and rigidly conservative society of that era, women were not typically encouraged to learn reading or writing. However, Lady Zainab broke through these barriers, standing firm as a beacon of knowledge, challenging restrictive norms, and defending her right to education and teaching.

Her example reflects not only her profound scholarly and religious knowledge but also calls upon Muslim women to pursue religious learning, engage in Quranic reflection, and delve into Islamic jurisprudence alongside men, benefiting from the knowledge of pious scholars.


Lady Zainab (peace be upon her), with her outstanding spiritual, political, scholarly, and nurturing qualities, is a complete role model for Muslim women. Through her actions and character, she demonstrated that women could play an impactful role in all areas of life. By upholding religious values, they too can walk the path of truth and justice, following her timeless example.

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