The Role of Holy Imams in the Revival of Religion
The Role of Holy Imams in the Revival of Religion
Author: Allamah Syed Murtaza Askari. Number of Pages: 294.
Description: This book is the written version of a series of lectures delivered by Allamah Sayyed Murtaza Askari to a group of religious scholars over a period of more than two years.
These lectures focused on a subject that had not previously been extensively studied or researched: ‘An Introduction to the Role of the Holy Imams (A.S) in the Revival of Religion.’ The central topic of disagreement between the Shi’ite and Sunni schools of thought is the issue of ‘Leadership and Rule.’ This has long been a major point of contention, and Shi’ite scholars, driven by a deep sense of responsibility, have conducted thorough investigations and research on this subject.
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