Hadith Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue12
قالَ الإمامُ الْحَسَنِ الْعَسْکَری (علیه السلام): حُسْنُ الصُّورَهِ جَمالٌ ظاهِرٌ، وَ حُسْنُ الْعَقْلِ جَمالٌ باطِنٌ.
(بحارالأنوار، ج ۱، ص ۹۵، ح ۲۷)
Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) said: “Good appearance is outward beauty, and good intellect is inward beauty.”
(Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 1, p. 95, Hadith 27)
Messages of the Hadith for Youth and Teenagers:
Focus on Inner Beauty:
This hadith teaches that true beauty is not just about appearance or clothing. In a society where social media often pushes young people towards dissatisfaction with their looks and excessive use of beauty products, it is important to focus more on inner beauty, which comes from intellect and thoughtfulness. This kind of beauty is lasting and can help them become better individuals for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Messages of the Hadith for Parents:
Nurture Intellectual Development:
The message for parents is to focus on nurturing their children’s capacity for reasoning and critical thinking. This intellectual development is not necessarily facilitated or provided by schools and universities alone, so parents should not absolve themselves of this responsibility. Parenting is not just about providing food and shelter; it also involves raising children to be wise, thoughtful, and capable of sound reasoning.
Messages of the Hadith for Mosques and Cultural Centres:
Promote Reason and Faith Together:
Mosques and cultural centres should encourage their audiences to value reasoning, critical thinking, and to avoid superstitions and irrational beliefs. Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) stated in another hadith: “Whoever is wise has religion, and whoever has religion will enter Paradise.” This means that reason and faith go hand in hand. Centres should promote intellectual growth as part of religious education.
Messages of the Hadith for Muslim Communities:
Value Intellect Over Appearance:
For Muslim communities, this hadith emphasizes the importance of valuing people based on their intellect and reasoning, rather than their outward appearance. Many individuals may appear pious but lack wise and religious actions, while others might not have the best outward appearance but possess sound, religious, and wise behaviour. Communities should judge individuals by their intellect and actions, not merely by their looks.
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