Hadith Of The Week – Friday Bulletin Issue11
In the name of Allah
Imam Hassan al-Askari (a.s):
“All wickedness has been placed in a house, and its key is lying.”
(Montakhab-e Mizan al-Hikmah, page 486)
The educational messages of this Hadith are outlined in the below:
Messages for Youth:
- Resist the Temptation to Lie:
In a society where many may resort to lying, choose to be truthful. Just because others do something wrong does not justify our participation in it. Stand firm in your values.
- Lying Conceals Greater Wrongs:
Lying is considered the worst of evils because it enables us to hide, justify, and continue other wrongdoings. By choosing honesty, you naturally avoid many bad actions because you won’t hide or justify them through lies.
- Short-Term Gain, Long-Term Loss:
While lying might seem to save you from immediate consequences, it brings far greater costs in the medium and long term. The fleeting benefits of lying are not worth the significant negative outcomes that follow.
Messages for Parents:
- Be the Role Model:
You are your children’s primary role models. They learn from your actions more than your words. Therefore, strive to always be honest in every situation so your children learn the value of honesty from you.
- Teach the Value of Honesty:
Discuss with your children the importance of being truthful and the harms of lying. When they share unpleasant truths with you, avoid being too harsh so they do not regret being honest. However, impose serious consequences for lying, both for yourself and your children.
Messages for Mosques and Cultural Centres:
- Promote Honesty in the Community:
Take serious steps to promote and explain the essence of honesty and the harms of lying within Muslim communities. Highlight the importance of truthfulness through the Quran and the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt.
- Lead by Example:
As a mosque leader, your behaviour, actions, and words should be a symbol of truthfulness. Your integrity sets the tone for the community you lead.
Messages for the Muslim Community:
Honesty is the Greatest Asset:
Integrity is the greatest asset of a community. A society becomes truly honest when the hearts, words, and actions of its members align. This means what is in each person’s heart is reflected in their speech, and their speech is evident in their actions. A community’s wealth is not in its material resources or infrastructure but in its honesty. Let us strive to enhance this invaluable asset within Muslim communities worldwide.
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