Fatima: The Flower of Life
Fatima: The Flower of Life
Written by: Dr Jalal Moughania
Bibliography of the Book:
- Book Title: Fatima: The Flower of Life
- Book Author: Dr Jalal Moughania
- Pring Length: 205 pages
- Language: English
- Publication Date: February 2024
- ISBN-10: 1943393486
- Publisher: Mainstay Foundation
A Summary of the Book:
Lady Fatima lived during the most crucial years of Muslim history. She was raised by her father during the era in which his early community of followers faced persistent persecution before migration. Fatima would marry the champion of the Muslims, Ali ibn Abi Talib, at the peak of Islam’s rise during the Prophet’s lifetime. From that marriage would come the Prophet’s descendants – Hasan and Husayn – a lineage that has survived to the present day.
This historical narrative is written with the hopes of captivating the reader to learn about Lady Fatima’s life and the attributes of her legendary personality. She was giving, selfless, and far beyond her years. She was the “Mother of her Father.” How a small girl could care for her father, physically tending to his wounds and emotionally cradling him in her little arms – while he was the greatest man to walk God’s earth – is fathomable only because she was… Fatima.
Fatima witnessed her father’s death that inevitably came with a new era of power in the newly founded Muslim nation – the Caliphate. After an attack on her own home in the Caliphate’s struggle to quell any opposition to its new reign, Fatima would die only a few short months after her father the Prophet.
Death tells us a lot about life. Wisdom dictates that we do not ignore it. Tales of death should not be swept under the rug, especially the deaths of history’s most notable figures. Lady Fatima is indeed on top of that list. Regardless of what the reader does with this story after reading it, at the very least, reflect on it. Embrace Fatima – the Flower of Life – and allow her the chance to open your eyes to the universe with-in you. Let her story be your guide as you journey toward the Heavens.
About the Author:
Jalal Moughania is an international lawyer, author, and lecturer with an interdisciplinary focus on building bridges of understanding across the fields of law, business, faith and culture.
Moughania’s legal and business experience has spanned Big Law in Michigan, think tanks in Washington, and startups across North America and the Middle East. He has serviced clients in mergers and acquisitions, venture capital and emerging companies, and global services. Moughania currently serves as CCO and Principal Attorney of ATLAW. In his role, he leads the firm’s corporate practice serving a diverse range of business clients nationally and globally. In much of his work, he has serviced clients with ‘Sharia-friendly’ and ‘Sharia-compliant’ requirements for their business ventures and legal planning (in observance of Islamic law). Over the course of his career, Moughania has consulted and worked with scholars and jurists of the Islamic seminary to meet his clients’ needs and to enrich his own understanding of Islam.
In his study of Islam, Moughania has both translated and authored several original works of Islamic law, history and society. These works of ‘self-understanding’ have been produced with an intentional focus on providing accessibility to the native English-reader into Islamic thought and Muslim paradigms. Some of Moughania’s translated works include Grand Ayatollah M.S. Al-Hakeem’s “The Marjaeya: A Candid Conversation” (2018) exploring the role of jurists in Shi’a Islam, as well as Ayatollah M.M. Chamseddine’s “The Course of History: A Study in the Peak of Eloquence” (2016). These translation projects undergo thorough vetting processes supervised by the authors of these original works, most of whom are leading jurists and scholars of the Islamic seminaries of the Holy Cities of Najaf and Qom.
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