Topic of the Week – Volume01 Issue23

Topic of the Week - Volume01 Issue23
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The Approach of Islamic Values in Strengthening Family Foundations (Part two)

Seyed Hashem Moosavi

In the first part of this article, we discussed how Islamic values, rooted in faith, monotheism, and ethics, play a central role in strengthening the foundation of the family. These principles, by fostering shared values, enhancing a sense of responsibility, encouraging conflict resolution based on forgiveness and divine teachings, create an atmosphere of love, empathy, and stability within the family. This, in turn, transforms the family into a solid and impactful institution in society.

In the second part of this discussion, we aim to draw upon religious sources to highlight additional Islamic values and analyse their role in reinforcing the foundation of the family.

Justice and Fairness

How do justice and fairness contribute to strengthening the foundation of the family?

Justice and fairness, as fundamental principles in human relationships, play a pivotal role in fortifying the family unit. The family, as the most fundamental social institution, thrives and remains resilient when its members engage with one another in equitable and fair interactions.

Islamic teachings emphasize justice and fairness as essential Islamic values. The Holy Qur’an explicitly states:

 « إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْإِحْسَانِ»

 “Indeed, Allah commands justice, good conduct, and giving to relatives” (Surah An-Nahl, 16:90).

Furthermore, the Qur’an highlights one of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) primary missions as upholding justice and acting upon it:

 « وَأُمِرْتُ لِأَعْدِلَ بَيْنَكُمُ»

 “I have been commanded to establish justice among you” (Surah Ash-Shura, 42:15).

Justice within the family involves the fair distribution of responsibilities, respect for each other’s rights, and the avoidance of favouritism or discrimination. This balance fosters an environment of security and stability, strengthens trust and love among family members, and prevents the emergence of conflicts and tensions.

Next, we will point out some ways in which justice and fairness impact the preservation and strengthening of the family foundation:

1. Fair Distribution of Responsibilities

In a balanced family, responsibilities and duties are distributed fairly among the members. This reduces feelings of inequality and exhaustion within the family, and spouses and children feel valued.

The conduct of the Infallibles (peace be upon them) serves as the best model for the fair distribution of duties and responsibilities within the family. Not only did they observe justice and fairness in their own behaviour, but they also taught these principles to others. Here, we will refer to a few examples of this valuable conduct:

  • The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family), despite his heavy social responsibilities and prophetic mission, would assist his household with domestic chores. He never placed the full burden of household tasks on his wives and, through his participation, eased their workload.[1]

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) described this aspect of the Prophet’s behavior, stating:
“The Holy Prophet would milk the sheep in the house, mend his own clothes, and help with household chores.”

  • Another exemplary instance of the fair distribution of responsibilities within a family is seen in the marital life of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her). At Lady Fatimah’s request, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) assigned responsibilities between her and Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as follows:

“Tasks within the home, such as cooking and cleaning, were entrusted to Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her), while responsibilities outside the home, such as providing sustenance and handling external affairs, were designated to Imam Ali (peace be upon him).”[2]

Similarly, in the lives of other Infallibles (pbut), such as Imam Sajjad, Imam Kadhim, and Imam Reza (peace be upon them), the fair distribution of tasks has been well-documented. For instance, it is narrated that Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) would hold family meetings with his children to discuss household responsibilities and matters of upbringing.

This allocation of duties, based on ability and circumstances, not only reflects the presence of justice within the family but also demonstrates the love and harmony that prevailed among them.

2. Creating an Environment Filled with Trust and Mutual Respect

Justice and fairness strengthen trust and respect among family members. When family members are assured that their rights are upheld and no one is subjected to injustice or disrespect, the sense of security and tranquillity within the family increases. This sense of security and mutual respect forms the foundation for healthy and lasting relationships among family members.

3. Resolving Conflicts in a Noble Manner

Disagreements and challenges are natural in every family. However, justice and fairness help family members resolve conflicts based on ethical principles and without bias. This approach reduces resentment and grievances.

The Holy Quran uses the term “ma‘ruf behavior” in this regard, instructing:

 «َعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ»

“And live with them in kindness” (Quran, 4:19)

The term “ma‘ruf” in this verse has a broad meaning and refers to conduct that is commendable according to reason, Shariah, social customs, and ethical standards.

Some common interpretations in this context include the following:

  • Observing love and mutual respect
  • Adherence to spousal rights
  • Avoiding violence and oppression
  • Maintaining peace and intimacy within the family
  • Considering social customs and cultural norms:

The term “ma‘ruf” can take on more specific meanings depending on the time and place, encompassing the observance of commendable principles and traditions in different societies, provided they do not contradict the teachings of Shariah.

4.  Modelling Behaviour for Children

Numerous instances from the life of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) show that he would place Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (peace be upon them) on his lap together, showing equal affection to both. This delicate behavior serves as a powerful example that instills justice and fairness in children from an early age.

Children raised in a fair and just environment learn to practice justice and fairness in their social lives as well. This not only aids in shaping their character but also contributes to building a better society.

If a family deviates from justice and fairness in its treatment of children, injustice gradually takes root within that family, negatively impacting the children’s upbringing. In such cases, children may struggle to distinguish between right and wrong, causing these boundaries to blur in their minds. As a result, they may fail to uphold justice in their friendships, the families they create, or society at large. Instead, they may develop unrealistic expectations of others and fail to fully grasp the true meaning of responsibility and duty.

5. Reducing Stress and Creating Peace

Injustice and discrimination can be sources of stress and dissatisfaction within a family. When justice is upheld, the family environment becomes a peaceful and pleasant place for all its members.

6. Strengthening the Sense of Belonging and Unity

When family members feel that justice is observed in decision-making and resource distribution, their sense of belonging and unity increases. This contributes to the stability and resilience of the family structure.


Justice and fairness help transform the family into a healthier, more intimate, and more stable environment. Adhering to these principles not only facilitates problem-solving and reduces conflicts but also lays the foundation for raising a valuable, responsible, and socially conscious generation.

[1] . Bihar Al-Anwar, V.16.

[2] . Bihar Al- Anwar, V.43.

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