Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani

Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani
Last Updated: October 10, 2024By Categories: Guests of the week0 Comments on Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani5.4 min readViews: 787

Statement Marking the Death of Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani

Following the passing of the late Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani on September 2, 2024, to honour and commemorate this esteemed scholar, we have dedicated the “Guest of the Week” section of the Friday bulletin to introduce him as a refined preacher and a distinguished scholar who devoted his blessed life to promoting the faith and serving the followers of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in the West.

Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani was born in 1944 in Karbala. He was a descendant of the late Grand Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Hadi Milani, and he completed his seminary studies under this great marja’ (religious authority) and also under Grand Ayatollah Seyed Abul-Qasim Khoei in the seminaries of Najaf and Mashhad.

He was one of the prominent Islamic figures in the West, enjoying a high standing among the people. He was one of the few scholars and religious figures who successfully connected the seminary and the university for decades. Between 1974 and 1983, he was one of the main directors and planners of the Hosseini and Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) high schools in the holy city of Mashhad. After completing his studies and attaining the rank of ijtihad (the authority to interpret Islamic law) from the seminaries of Najaf and Mashhad, he continued his religious activities and, in 1983, immigrated to London, where he received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Oxford.

Ayatollah Milani was the president of the International College for Islamic Studies in England, a professor of Islamic law and philosophy at the Islamic College in London, the imam of the Ayatollah Khoei Islamic Centre in London, a professor of jurisprudence at the University of Cambridge and Najaf, and a member of the Supreme Council of Scholars in London, consisting of representatives of the great maraji’ (religious authorities).

This pious scholar left behind numerous works and publications in Arabic, Persian, and English, such as Lectures on the Jurisprudence of the Imamiya, Fatima al-Zahra, the mother of her Father, Family Law in Islam, and a seven-volume series on Islamic theology.

Among his special contributions in Europe were his involvement in the establishment of the Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) primary school for boys, the Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her) primary school for girls, the World University for Islamic Sciences, and the Islamic College. One of his notable cultural and educational achievements was producing religious television programs, which garnered significant attention.

Ayatollah Milani, in addition to teaching in seminaries and universities and training many students, was also committed to promoting international peace and dialogue between cultures and religions through writing various articles for Western academic journals.

In his interviews and speeches, he emphasized unity and criticized the self-centeredness of some religious and Islamic institutions in England and Europe, which he likened to the feudal system of old. Regarding this, he mentioned that many meetings were held with the representatives of great maraji’, and leaders of the mosques and Hussainiyas, to discuss the challenges ahead.

Ayatollah Milani also expressed concern about some Shia television networks that sought to portray Islam and Shi’ism as sources of conflict, violence, and enmity. He explicitly criticized the extremism of certain Shia scholars residing in London and called on them to align with the mainstream Shia thought led by the Supreme Council of Scholars in London.

Upon the passing of this pious scholar, many individuals, groups, and organizations issued condolences. For instance, two messages of condolence from Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, director of the seminaries of Iran, and Hojjat ul-Islam Wal Muslemeen Seyed Hashem Moosavi, Imam of the Islamic Centre of England, can be seen below.

Condolence Message from Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, Director of the Seminaries of Iran

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
اذا مات العالم ثلم فی الاسلام ثلمة لایسدها شیء

With great sorrow and regret, we received the news of the passing of the late Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani, a prominent Shi’a scholar and mujtahid, representative of the grand religious authority Ayatollah Seyed Ali Sistani (may he be preserved), and imam of the Imam Khoei Islamic Centre in London. This loss has caused deep grief and distress.

The entirety of his blessed life was dedicated to the service of Islam and Shi’ism in various parts of the world. More than thirty years ago, the late Ayatollah Milani travelled to England, where he became known as a distinguished and well-respected cleric in the Western world.

His significant contributions include teaching and learning in the seminary, lecturing at the Faculty of Law at the Mustansiriyah University in Baghdad, teaching at the Faculty of Jurisprudence in Najaf, teaching jurisprudence and principles in the English-language Islamic college in London, directing the Ayatollah Khoei Foundation in London, and holding the professorship of jurisprudence at the University of Cambridge. These are just a portion of the many achievements of this distinguished personality.

We pray to the Almighty God to shower His mercy upon this late scholar’s soul, and to grant multiplied rewards for his efforts. We also ask God to bestow patience and comfort upon his family, students, and followers.

Peace and blessings be upon you.
Alireza Arafi
Director of the Seminaries of Iran

Condolence Message from Hojjat ul-Islam Wal Muslemeen Seyed Hashem Moosavi,
Imam of the Islamic Centre of England

“Indeed, we belong to God, and indeed to Him we will return.”

The news of the passing of the esteemed scholar, Ayatollah Seyed Fadhil Hosseini Milani, has caused deep sorrow and grief. Although this ascension occurred on the day of the painful passing of the Prophet of Mercy (as) and the martyrdom of his grandson (as), an honourable blessing for the departed, it leaves behind an irreplaceable void in the hearts and in the community that had flourished under his blessed presence.

Ayatollah Milani (may God have mercy upon him) was a figure who devoted his precious life to the service of religion and the education and upbringing of future generations. For years, he was a shining beacon of knowledge and guidance for the Islamic community in the West, and a symbol of virtue and piety.

We extend our heartfelt condolences on this great loss to the scholars of Islam, the grand religious authorities, and the esteemed family of Ayatollah Milani, especially his sons. We pray to Almighty God for His vast mercy and forgiveness for this late scholar, and patience and great reward for his respected family and all his survivors.

Seyed Hashem Moosavi
Islamic Centre of England

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